Green Jah is a brave man to want a collision wid Donald

It comin down to de time when de guvament gettin ready to prepare de budget. And this is always a favourite time fuh some of de parliamentarians. All of dem gon have to seh some ting when de time come fuh de budget debate. No matter what budget matter come up, dem does talk like scientist and accountant.

Most of dem don’t seh nutten of substance and don’t mek sense, but de whole idea is to be in the media next day.

That is exactly how plenty of dem does like to pomp a scene. And some of de media does help dem pomp a scene too. After all, de Kocheur got de biggest soup drinker in exchange fuh publicity. People seh he got de belly fuh it. That is there fuh every body to see. Is any kinda soup fuh some ting in de mud paper. German does run outta soup some days. It must be a world record as to how a crab can eat so mucha crab soup.

When de budget time come, is every body gon hear from Green Jah to Green Bridge. Green Bridge is de man who bruk up de country when he was in de guvament.

But he now got a solution fuh every ting pun this earth, especially de earth in Guyana. According to Green Bridge, he know how to run every ting. According to de people, Green Bridge only know how to do two tings good: run he mouth and run down every ting else.

As fuh Green Jah, this year he tekkin it to another level. De Stabber seh Green Jah put de guvament pun notice that he gon have a collision wid de prezzi if dem don’t listen to he. Well, Green Jah must be a brave man to want to collide wid Donald.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling… friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie! Watch and see after that collision, Green Jah gon be sorry he didn’t vote fuh de Specialty Hospital in de last budget.

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