Great lakes of the Essequibo – Lake Tapakuma

This lake is considered one of the largest of the 5 lakes. It is located 14 miles from Anna Regina. It is accessible by road via Anna Regina or the backlands of Supenaam and Charity or walk/ mountain bike from the Lake Mainstay resort close by. The journey to Lake Tapakuma is an adventure in itself , the path to get there cuts directly through a beautiful forest trail where we spotted a family of white faced Saki monkeys, the glorious blue Morpho butterfly and several giant moths. So beautiful was this place with the sounds of insects and birds surrounding us we just HAD to stop to take it all in and gaze up at the sun trickling down through the forest canopy. Conversations on the trail with the few locals riding by on motorbikes was also a treat, they were excited to share their knowledge about the origin of the various forest sounds we were hearing. At the end of the drive, the lake just looms up at you and the view was unforgettable. Another sight to behold is in the late afternoon when hundreds of turkey vultures come home to roost in Tapakuma Village.

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