Granger on path to broaden party base

People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) leader David Granger has called on party members across the country to “embark on a massive membership drive to strengthen the party and to broaden its base”. His charge was made on Tuesday evening at a visit to the West Coast Demerara (WCD).

From left: PNCR leader David Granger, Basil Williams, Joseph Harmon and John Adams at the meeting held at Vreed-en-Hoop on Tuesday evening

Granger in a presentation titled “Declaration of Vreed-en-Hoop”, said he has a 10 point plan to move the party forward.
He identified the Guyana Youth and Student Movement (GYSM) and the National Congress of Women (NCW) for rebuilding, and a resurgence of activism, and called for a return of party pride and for party members not allow the skewed views of others to make them ashamed to speak of the many accomplishments during the PNC time in government.
Granger assured that under his leadership, “internal party democracy will be paramount”, while imploring party faithful to mobilise and register for local government elections so as to take charge of the local democratic organs.
Additionally, Granger called for the rebuilding of public services and the institutionalising of inclusive democracy as a tenet of the party.
“We must be able to sit down as Guyanese, putting aside ethnic labels,” he said, noting the importance of rebuilding the PNCR’s historic relationships with trade unions, ensuring fundamental rights for all, and reforming relations in the National Assembly.
The new PNCR leader said too that the party’s policy is to find ways to increase wealth, and not to recycle poverty while charging on party members to think about enterprises.
“You have to become businessmen and women, you have to produce, you have to be educated and ensure that your children are educated so that they could find gainful employment …”
Meanwhile, newly-elected party chairman Basil Williams called for a unified PNCR to provide leadership to the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
Granger was accompanied by Williams, Regional Chairman John Adams, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Deborah Backer, APNU Parliamentarian Joseph Harmon and several members of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC).

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