Granger must dissolve Parliament by proclamation on or before December 4, 2019

Dear Editor,
I read with utter disgust the words of former Minister of State and now Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency that, “the President has not yet signalled when he plans to issue a proclamation in this regard” ie to dissolve Parliament.
Well, Mr Director General, the time to dissolve Parliament was since December 2018 and your caretaker Government has the temerity to tell the Guyanese people after one year that the caretaker President would dissolve Parliament at his time of choosing, supposedly of eventualities and neither pontification of any merit. Well for your information, and just to reiterate the indefatigable fact, 49.4 per cent of the electorate in the 2015 general elections (of course that percentage was according to GECOM’s final results which is still questionable until the PPP elections petition case is heard) has been very patient thus far and exercising restraint towards your illegal and undemocratic Government.
Further, you people need to be reminded that the PNC – APNU-led coalition Government assumed office in May 2015 by a 0.6 per cent (4506) of the votes lacking a simple majority of 51 per cent (compliments of GECOM – a new meaning; giving enormous conclusions on mediocracy) and won Administrative Region Eight by one vote at the national elections which saved the APNU/AFC coalition Government from being a minority in the National Assembly when there are countless spoiled votes for the PPP which were never recounted and even though the PPP won the regional elections to take control of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC).
For edificatory purposes, it should be known that as a caretaker, under any conditions, you don’t own anything as it belongs to somebody else, likewise a Government does not own a country, so the PNC and its functionaries should not attempt to impose and pose as the rightful owner of Guyana. Accordingly, let good sense and political maturity prevail at this time and as such, the caretaker President must dissolve Parliament by proclamation on or before December 4, 2019, allowing 90 days up to March 2, 2020, for holding of General Elections and let the Guyanese people choose a new Government.

Sincerely yours,
Paul Ramrattan

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