Granger has been crowded out

Dear Editor,

David Granger is experiencing great difficulty in finding his mark at the leadership level. After about a month at the top, he is still struggling to get off the mark. In the meantime, Robert Corbin is dominating the party headlines. More than that, Corbin has basically indicated that he is in control. Granger has to take the back seat, a rather ignominious place for the man who is supposed to be leading.

Mr Granger has three specific problems, all of which must be dealt with immediately if he is to emerge as a minimally credible candidate.

Firstly, he must wrest control from Corbin and establish himself as the man in charge. He can no longer hide behind such defences as he is working on the platform.

No one buys that, Mr Granger, not even Malcolm Harripaul, who started to support you two weeks ago. Leaders do not wait around for platforms. They already have a vision, and must speak of it. Mr Granger should try to learn from President Jagdeo, who pioneered such massive policies as the LCDS. Please note how “the dreadful 18” have been left in the dust.

Secondly, by Granger’s own admission, he has not contacted the defeated PNC leadership candidates, nor have they contacted him. I had to read this three times to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me.

Some of you out there may have thought that I was being unfair to Granger when I asked him to make up with the Murray group.

Now he is openly, and may I say, naively, telling the public that he is out of touch. Can some adviser please help this gentleman who has the ambition to lead Guyana? He must first learn how to make-up with his colleagues!

Thirdly, Granger must now be painfully aware that the strategy of hiding behind Mr Corbin has not worked, and won’t work – no matter the depth of pandering explored. Corbin is quick- thinking, and Granger should not take his eyes off the ball. Corbin is an old-school realist, and the official position now occupied by Granger is not enough to impress Corbin, who, might I remind you, is the leader of the People’s National Congress.

To sum up, it is now clear that David Granger’s inexperience in democratic politics is showing. I predicted that this would happen because the other political experience he has with politics is not something that he wants to talk about. He knows why. Ask him, and I predict he will brush you off.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Randy Persaud

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