Granger hails Speaker’s budget cuts ruling as landmark

With the ruling of the Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman that the budget can be amended, Opposition Leader David Granger said he hopes that the abuse and name calling of the joint opposition comes to an end.
Granger said for a period of 15 months or more, the opposition had to put up with all sorts of remarks and battering from some sections of society.  He expressed positive sentiments at the Speaker’s ruling, noting that it has brought much satisfaction to the joint opposition in the House.

Opposition Leader David Granger
Opposition Leader David Granger

“Opposition members of the National Assembly were subjects of abuse by the GINA and we have been called unruly , we have been called reckless, we have been accused of dictatorship, we have been accused of constitutional violations, we have been accused of sewing confusion, the National Assembly has been described as a stage for antics and extremities, the Speaker’s ruling before has been described as a travesty, I seriously hope that now that the Speaker himself has spoken and the authority of the National Assembly  has been established  and the  right was granted to amend the budget,  that this abuse to the National Assembly will come to an end,” Granger said.
He said the ruling of the Speaker is a landmark ruling which asserts the authority of the House and the accountability of ministers of government to the National Assembly.
“I rose to express satisfaction on the APNU part because the matter has plagued the National Assembly for some time… we were taken through the High Court by four motions which concern various aspects of the administration of the National Assembly.”  According to Granger, he believes all these motions were vexatious.
Granger said the APNU has demonstrated goodwill and sought to hold meetings with President Donald Ramotar along with the Alliance For Change (AFC) on the matter of the budget. He said too that the joint opposition will continue with its quest to work consensually with the administration, but to ensure that the rights of the people of Guyana are represented.
“We are concerned about the national interest of the people and we are glad that this ruling today (Tuesday) has asserted the assembly’s rights to amend measures brought before by the executive branch,” he maintained.

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