Granger and team visit Region Seven

Presidential candidate of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), David Granger wrapped up a two-day visit to Region Seven on August 7. Granger, who was accompanied by his wife, Sandra Granger and a support team, which included PNCR member of the National Assembly, Dawn Hastings, said that the Upper Mazaruni district is still undeveloped.

He promised residents that he would establish an Upper Mazaruni Development Agency as a means of harnessing the region’s economic potential, encouraging investment and fast-tracking the development of the Upper Mazaruni and its people.

He pointed out that the Cuyuni-Mazaruni region, which is about the size of The Netherlands – generated enormous wealth from its legendary mining and logging.

Granger, according to the release, said that the region is mineral-rich and any revenue derived from these resources will be go towards the development of the Upper Mazaruni and its people.

He recognised the need to improve communication and transportation, as well as to provide banking services for the people in the Upper Mazaruni.

According to APNU, the cost of transporting farm produce to market is expensive in the region.

The APNU presidential candidate in his meetings with residents of Kamarang, Kako, Jawalla and Quebenang outlined his vision for the future of the Upper Mazaruni. Toshao Norma Thomas and Regional Vice-Chairman and Guyana Action Party (GAP) representative, Amrita Thomas also addressed the gathering in Kamarang. They expressed the hope that the people of the Upper Mazaruni would be consulted on all matters that affect them. Granger emphasised that an APNU administration would consult the people before taking decisions affecting their lives and their future.

The APNU presidential candidate explained that his administration would focus on education and employment, which were key factors in ensuring what he called “a good life” for all Guyanese.

He said that if he wins the elections, he will seek to provide a more modern education system at the Waramadong Secondary School, with trained teachers in the areas of science and information technology along with improving the dormitory facilities.

He pledged to establish a modern Mazaruni Agricultural Institute where up-to-date agricultural techniques would be taught.

Granger also attended a service at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Kamarang last Saturday and addressed the opening ceremony of the Upper Mazaruni Annual District Games at Jawalla on Sunday.

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