Govt’s engagement with workers’ unions ‘mere theatrics’

Dear Editor,
The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) has taken note of the recent announcement by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, regarding the Government’s decision to impose for the third consecutive year pay rises for employees in the public service.
Depending on their income, the workers, according to the Minister, will receive increases of between 8 per cent and 0.5 per cent, since that’s all the Government could afford.
Our Union finds the Government’s expressed rationale insincere. We believe that, with more prudent spending and less extravagance and unnecessary expenditure, much more could have been found to give the workers. In recent times, we have seen the multi-million-dollar rental of a condom bond; the more-than-billion-dollar expenditure on glorified drill square; the ‘greening’ of Government buildings and complexes; the erection of fences like the Great Wall of China; frequent non-essential travel by high-ranking Government officials; and chariot-like, luxurious vehicles for certain officials, among other things.
The GAWU strongly contends that the workers, especially those at the lower end, are deserving of much more substantial pay hikes. Now-a-days they must contend with less disposable income and heavier burdens arising from the series of tax measures which have negatively impacted their and their family’s standard-of-living. We are very disheartened, too, that the Government, despite its clear-as-day commitment to respect and observe Collective Bargaining in the public sector, has chosen to forcefully impose its will on public servants. The posture adopted smacks of clear disrespect for our Constitution, our laws, and relevant ILO conventions which have long been ratified by our country.
We see the engagement with the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) as mere theatrics, meant to convey an impression of engagement. The Administration’s advisors need to tell those in charge that there is a Grievance Procedure which clearly sets out the modus operandi in cases of breakdown and deadlock at the bilateral level.
Furthermore, beyond the GPSU, several other unions, including GAWU, represent workers employed by State agencies. Our Union hasn’t had any opportunity whatsoever to engage the respective agencies with respect to the proposals.
While the Government has approved pay rises for its workers amounting to 28 per cent over three years, if we go by the Administration’s yardstick, it still represents just a little over half of what the Cabinet members received a few days after they assumed office. That magnificent increase also has to be taken together with the several benefits and superb allowances they enjoy, including the recently contracted Medical Insurance which has seen State officials enjoying treatment in exotic places like Ireland. It is opportune to recall the discontinuance of the Specialty Hospital in Guyana.
But while it is said that we should be thankful for the little mercies, our nation’s hardworking sugar workers remain left in the cold. These workers, who face similar circumstances and realities as other workers, continue to receive pay rates last updated in 2014. They have suffered tremendously when account is taken of nominal and real declines in their incomes.
The GAWU, at this time, calls on the Administration to ensure that the naked and glaring discrimination comes to an end. We seek that the sugar workers benefit, like their compatriots in other sectors of the State’s employ, from a reasonable pay rise, which could be reached without further delay at the bargaining table.

Seepaul Narine
General Secretary

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