Gov’t will continue to invest heavily in agriculture sector – Ramsammy

The Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) on Tuesday graduated a batch of 111 students during its 48th convocation at the institution in Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara at which the agriculture sector’s impact on the economy was highlighted.
In attendance were graduates and their parents, Minister of Agriculture Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, Permanent Secretary George Jarvis and Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General Anil Nandlall.

Best Overall Performer, Certificate in Forestry (Essequibo) and winner of the Chairman Prize, Melissa Retemiah collects her trophy from Lolita Baksh, wife of the Minister within the Ministry of Agriculture

Minister Ramsammy delivering the keynote address said that government continues to invest in training persons in particular for careers in the agriculture sector in recognition of the fact that the sector has helped the country to move from least developing to today being a middle income country, with the potential to continue the movement to an even higher middle income status.
Minister Ramsammy said that this movement however, will not happen unless agriculture in Guyana becomes more productive and is not just about “feeding our people” but becomes a drive towards “going from a low income country to a high middle income country and generating wealth for our families.”
The Minister stated that this increased production will be realised with better land utilisation for agriculture, and with better use of technology and more experience and young people in the agriculture sector. He said that this therefore speaks to the government’s investments in training in the sector.
“Our task is very clear… countries that are so reliant on agriculture will fail unless they invest in agriculture training,” the Minister said.
He added that Guyana got it right in the early 1960s when it decided to invest in the GSA and it has gotten it right in sustaining investment in agriculture training.
Minister Anil Nandlall, who delivered the charge to the graduates this year, also reminded them of their importance, not only to the development of the agriculture sector but, Guyana as a whole.
He told them that they were graduating in an exciting time in the country’s history and in the world economy order where they will have to make a contribution to the global agenda of food security.
“You are important because you will contribute significantly to the agriculture sector, a sector that holds the future for Guyana and you are important because you are part of our plan for future Guyana as young people,” Minister Nandlall said.
He reminded them that agriculture has been the backbone of the Guyanese economy, and as well as formed part of the social fabric of the country and, they were therefore graduating “to serve a sector whose importance is indelibly marked in our country’s historical revolution and our country’s social and cultural architecture.”
Minister Nandlall urged that the graduates appreciate the environment to which they will be inducted, and understand the challenges and the bright future that lies ahead of them in the sector.
He counselled that they move forward with the aim of enacting government’s vision of them playing their role in designing, architecting and charting the course of the future Guyana.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of GSA, Brian Greenidge in his brief address thanked the staff of the institution for their continued support throughout the year and, encouraged them to continue to work together and support each other in the further success of the institution.
The students successfully completed the following programmes at the GSA institutions across the country – Diploma in Agriculture; (Mon Repos) with 28 graduates, (Essequibo) 5 graduates, Diploma in Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health 12 graduates, Certificate in Agriculture 15 graduates, Certificate in Fisheries 3 graduates, Certificate in Forestry (Mon Repo) 23 graduates and (Essequibo) 25 graduates.
Graduates’ award for Best Overall Performance included in the Diploma in Agriculture; (Mon Repos) Andrew Amin, (Essequibo) Moneshwar Chandrapaul, Certificate in Agriculture, Tawana Patrick, Diploma in Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health Jamila Morgan, Certificate in Forestry (Mon Repos) Donnica Thornhill, (Essequibo) Melissa Retemiah and Certificate in Fisheries Studies Anthony Seepersaud.

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