Govt to tighten screws on drug dealers in mining

Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud said a team of legal experts have been mandated to study the issue of persons using the gold industry to launder money, as it seeks to bring regulations to the sector.
Speaking at a news conference on Monday, Persaud acknowledged that under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Acts, the Guyana Geology and Mines Commisssion (GGMC) and the Guyana Gold Board would have to abide by “reporting obligations.”

A mining camp in Guyana (GINA file photo)
A mining camp in Guyana (GINA file photo)

“I am concerned and we are concerned that we may have actors who may want to get involved in the sector that may not have or enjoy too much of a clean background in this regard,” he said. He added: “because of the nature of mining and what the regulations currently stipulate as to who qualifies and does not qualify, I don’t think that we have any particular legal safeguard that would address that directly”.
According to him, it is not an issue of ministerial discretion or one that the GGMC could decide who is granted or who is not granted mining concessions, but he believes issues could also arise about a person’s constitutional right to work and earn a living. He said he was hoping that some legislation could be used to tackle the issue, but there would be the need for that to be addressed from all angles.
Legal Advisor at GGMC Rosemary Benjamin Noble said the mining laws do not require background checks to be made for persons who may apply for mining concessions. She said once the persons satisfy the requirements, they could be granted the concessions. According to her, it is not an area of requirement to carry out background checks, but with the concerns of the government, it is an issue that they intend to address.
Meanwhile, the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry in collaboration with the GGMC kick off a full-fledged national lottery for gold miners, commencing on April 26 this year. This initiative will see land being made available to gold miners to explore for gold and other precious metals.
Persaud said the initiative will help to curb illegal mining, an issue which the industry has been battling with for many years.  Lotteries will be done for several mining areas, including the North West District, Cuyuni, Potaro and parts of Berbice.
“This will be different since we will be making more areas available where we will be looking at five, 100 acre blocks in each of the mining districts,” Minister Persaud stated.
The minister said he views this as another effort to curb any instances which one may point to cases of illegal mining and whereby persons will have access to mining properties. Another reason is to allow persons the opportunity to be able to conduct their activity without fear of the regulators or others disrupting their operations.
Meanwhile, Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) President Patrick Harding said the association supports the initiative fully, and calls on Guyanese in particular to cash in on the opportunity and to take part in the lotteries, which are expected to take place countrywide.

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