Govt to clamp down on pregnant Cuban scholars – Dr Westford

By Michael Younge 

The Guyana government says that those students who are given scholarships to study in Cuba and other countries must abide by the rules governing their contracts, or face the consequences of non-compliance. 

Speaking with   Guyana Times International during an interview, Public Service Minister Dr Jennifer Westford expressed the ministry’s concern that some students who were granted scholarships to further their academic studies are now breaking some of the fundamental rules governing their contracts and study arrangements while aboard. She said that a firm position has been taken to deal with those students, who, if they continue neglecting the rules, could see their contracts being terminated immediately. 

Dr Jennifer Westford

Minister Westford also expressed concern that there has been an increase in the number of female students who have gotten pregnant while studying on scholarships in Cuba. She said that, over the past three years, reports have shown the number rising consistently, and government will not sit idly by and allow this wanton breach of their contracts to continue, as it is now seemingly becoming the norm to get pregnant whilst on scholarship. 

Dr Westford said that all of the scholarship awardees are fully aware of the rules by which they must abide, and the conditions of their contracts. 

“These females are aware that it is a breach of the code of conduct of Cuba and Guyana to become pregnant while studying in Cuba, but some of them get pregnant anyway. This is disrespect, and we will not exercise any more flexibility in this regard,” a stern Westford announced.  She explained that, in the past, the ministry would have engaging in begging the Cuban government not to terminate the contracts of the females who become pregnant while studying, and would normally plead with the authorities to allow those students to return home to have their children and then continue their studies. 

“This will no longer be tolerated, as we realize that it is becoming a problem,” Minister Westford admitted as she explained that the flexibility and compassion expressed by government was constantly being mistaken for “weakness”. 

Dr Westford also said that the males, once they are Guyanese, will likewise suffer the same fate as the females, as they become accomplices in breaking the rules of their contracts. She believes that the stern position taken by government will serve as a deterrent to other students who may be desirous of following the pattern of those who have gotten pregnant and have returned home. 

Minister Westford announced that, already, the ministry has received reports that, for 2011, two Guyanese students were discovered to be pregnant.           

“While I will not divulge as regards the two, which I have already said are high, you can imagine from this fact the complexity of the problem we are faced with. We are sending these students to develop themselves and return (with) one certificate, which is an academic one, not a birth certificate”, a concerned Minister Westford said. 

Meanwhile, the public service minister reported that the ministry has not received any major complaints with regards to students breaching other fundamental aspects of the agreement signed. She admitted that, from time to time, there would be reports of minor fights and conflicts, which are normally resolved quickly and dealt with strictly. 

She congratulated those students who were performing well and abiding by all of the stipulated rules. She explained that those students were protecting and promoting a positive image of Guyana, as they understand fully their responsibility to their country. She also lauded the partnership between Guyana and the foreign countries offering scholarships to Guyanese students, noting that government is grateful for the assistance being offered to develop its human resource capacity.

Minister Westford also said that the students who are granted scholarships to study in Cuba or elsewhere must be proud of their achievement, and must exemplify high standards of professionalism and character, as many would like to seize the opportunity that they have gotten.

She is confident that the students in Cuba would continue to ensure that the Guyana flag is flown high, and that they would return to take up key leadership posts here and further aid the country’s development.

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