Govt taking action to address corruption concerns – Harmon

Addressing the National Assembly during the Budget 2016 debates, Minister of State Joseph Harmon signalled the Coalition Government’s intention to address corruption. The minister described corruption as an issue that “eats away at the moral fabric of society.”

 He listed the rating given to Guyana, over the years by Transparency International’s Index. These are as follows; In 2006, out 166 countries, Guyana was ranked 121; in 2007, Guyana was ranked 123; in 2008, it was ranked at 126; in 2009, 126; in 2010, 116; in 2011, the rank was 134; in 2012, 133; in 2013, 136;  in 2014, the rate was 124 and in 2015, Guyana was ranked at 119.

 It is the Coalition Government’s intention that measures being put in place will help to “correct that perception” the Minister said. He added that this reduction would “provide a quality of public service which would make us proud and provide certainty to all, that we are a country that is serious about doing business.”

 The ranking of corruption indices is often used as a determining factor by many potential investors, before they decide to do business with countries. The higher the perception of corruption, the more difficult it is to do business or attract investments from entrepreneurs.

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