Govt scholarship programme unparalleled – Minister Westford

Public Service Minister Dr Jennifer Westford has reported that some the 2,800 youth who have benefitted from tertiary level training under the current administration is an unparallel achievement.

“Let us think about any other country in this hemisphere or out of this hemisphere who would have given the opportunity for its citizens, especially its young citizens to be trained free of cost … there is no other country, no other government that can boast of this development and we must give credit where credit is due,” Minister Westford said.

She was at the time addressing some 5,000 youth at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) for the first ever Impress, Youth Expo, organised by the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C).

The occasion was geared at creating a forum for youth to disseminate ideas and seek clarification from government officials on the administrations’ policies and programmes for development.

“As I look around today, I see faces, I see expressions, I see persons who want something, who are looking for something that is out there, something that they can reach for and let me assure you that something is within your grasp. Without a doubt and we hear this many times and it’s being said that our young people are the future of our country, and I believe that and I know many of you believe it. Generally, young persons have a lot of vigour, you have a lot of vitally, you’re innovative, you’re willing, energetic and more so optimistic, and that optimism is what we need in Guyana,” Minister Westford said.

Youth development has been one of the main pillars of the current administration, and in keeping with this thrust the government has sealed a scholarship agreement with Cuba.

“Imagine that 500 of our young Guyanese, our brilliant Guyanese being trained as medical doctors, coming back to this country to serve our people. What a great idea, what a great vision of this young man (President Jagdeo) who led our country,” Minister Westford said.

The cadre of trained professionals also included veterinarians, engineers, scientists, meteorologists and agronomists, GINA said in a release.

Six hinterland students who have completed studies in medicine are now serving their communities.

Reference was also made to Wowetta, Region Nine counsellor, Bertie Xavier who sits on the United Nations permanent forum on indigenous issues.

“With all the talk that we hear from our developed countries about rights for indigenous people and human rights, tell me which of those countries can boast about giving equal opportunities and rights to their indigenous people as we are doing here in our country. I can answer, none of them,” Minister Westford said.

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