Govt must do what the Constitution prescribes

Dear Editor,
As the anti-democratic chalice of the PNC/R-led coalition burns, President David Granger’s unilateral appointed Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) adds fuel and fans the flames. Under his stewardship, the Commission tends to invalidate its own constitutional mandate, that of the Legislature and the Judiciary. The implications would be deep, sacrificial, and revolutionary for all citizens of our dear land.
Obviously, under the directed political mandate of the PNC/R, the stooge Chairman Justice (ret’d) James Patterson continues to lean impulsively in favour of the fallen coalition while obliterating all semblance of democratic norms. Patterson has teamed up with his septuagenarian and octogenarian directorate to cast his deciding vote on every single occasion against a proposition of balance and transparency.
The rule of law, the future of our youths and country do not seem to matter as this PNC/R-led APNU/AFC coalition Government demonstrates a hell-bent power-at-any-cost agenda, premised on taking our country into a constitutional crisis. It is indeed most shameful and unacceptable that this wicked cabal is now showing that they are willing to risk taking our citizens for granted again as they had prior to the carried No-Confidence Motion.
Mr Granger, Patterson and the APNU Commissioners lead the subversion of the Guyana Constitution, as the fallen Government continues to flaunt and fleece the treasury. In the face of international condemnation, Guyana now faces its biggest threats at the wanton fantasy of the APNU/AFC cabal and its tainted GECOM faction.
The baseless diversions and excuses emerging from GECOM are most shameful and abominable. From the apparent trumped-up sick leave of Patterson to his refusal to commence election preparations since the passing of the December 21, 2018, No-Confidence Motion is both sickening and sad. GECOM’s Secretariat, led by CEO Lowenfield has also contradictorily moved to complement the delaying posture of trampling on citizen’s rights.
Lowenfield has paradoxically synchronised his knowledge and revelations that the List of Electors is sufficiently clean to proceed with the elections, with deliberately extended timelines as another farcical excuse. The issue of funds being budgeted for house-to-house registrations is also most absurd. It is a fact that GECOM as a constitutional agency, receives appropriated funds as a full package to use as necessary.
It is also important to recognise that whenever any other law and the Constitution conflictingly collide, the Constitution takes precedence and all agencies and administrators of the Acts must make the necessary adjustments. So, realistically, there is really no basis for excuses, and steps must be taken to hold all and sundry accountable for their roles in this sick semantical dance. This column calls for a Commission of Inquiry as soon as the elections are over, to hold these players accountable for their damning assault on the Constitution and citizens.
It is a fact that very serious and incomparable levels of corruption are taking place at all points in the APNU/AFC Government. As for GECOM, the honest and loyal staff are sparing no efforts to expose all the illegal and comprising transactions that are taking place. The Information Officer of GECOM and the Chief Executive Officer already said that they are ready for Regional and National Elections.
Lowenfield’s pronouncements on the List as ready and authentic means that it could be simply updated under one legitimate Continuous Registration Cycle. GECOM has money and they must utilise the money in the best interest of the country and prevent a constitutional crisis. A less than civil and lawful society would not benefit anyone; neither would the APNU/AFC’s bondage.
After March 19, 2019, there will be no legitimate Government without David Granger and GECOM properly addressing the National Elections. All hell can break loose should the illegal APNU/AFC try to force their will on citizens as the ultimate police state looms. However, we cannot, at any cost, encourage a dictatorship in Guyana and the Guyanese people must deal with this malignant cancer in a truly revolutionary spirit.
It is of note that due process has been followed thus far and that the warnings of the international community are unmistakably pellucid. That the Legislature duly passed the No-Confidence Motion and the eminent Chief Justice refused to grant an order for a stay of the constitutional period for election.

Neil Kumar

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