Gov’t is prepared to answer questions about Amaila Falls Project – Finance Minister

At the recent Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association’s award ceremony at the Pegasus Hotel, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh told the business stakeholders of Government’s willingness to have their input in the Amaila Falls Hydro Power project.
“We are available as a government, to engage with you to the ultimate level of detail, as it relates to this project so that we can add your voice of support,” Dr Singh said.
This is indicative of government’s recognition of the national importance of this project and its commitment to build strong national ownership to realise this project, according to the minister.  He noted that parliamentary parties have been briefed following a meeting convened by President Donald Ramotar which saw leaders of the Alliance For Change and A Partnership for National Unity attending.
A technical presentation was made and opportunity was provided for questions to be asked and at the end of which, the president indicated that any further questions the parliamentary parties had or wished to ask, he was open to them.
The finance minister stressed the need for national ownership of the hydro-project which is expected to cost approximately US$850M and is set to be constructed in several phases, in Region Eight. It will comprise a reservoir, power station, transmission lines and an all weather access road which is currently under construction.
The project will reduce the cost of electrical power and reduce local dependence on foreign sourced fuel to power the local electrical grid.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged Government to take steps to ensure that the 165 megawatt project’s economic viability. The lending institution has recommended careful considerations of the risks and contingent liabilities of the hydro project and government has stated that it is committed to addressing these concerns as part of efforts to realise the project’s success.

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