Govt did not award licences to TVG, Radio Guyana – Vieira sold company to Dr Ramroop

Alliance For Change (AFC) Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo, during his budget debate presentation in Parliament on Monday, stated that the allocation of radio frequencies in 2012 were “lawless and discriminatory”.
He also said that except for a few recipients, the others are connected with the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), and are high state officials associated with government leaders as comrades, friends, or relatives.
“In addition, multiple frequencies have been allocated to Dr Ranjisinghi Ramroop, former President Bharrat Jagdeo’s friend. Then in 2010, there were cable licences given to Brian Yong and Vishok Persaud. In all these allocations, there is a serious conflict of interest,” said Nagamootoo.
However, Dr Ramroop, Queens Atlantic Investment Inc (QAII) chairman and chief executive officer, in an invited comment, said these accusations in Parliament are baseless. “The government did not award Television Guyana nor Radio Guyana any licences” he said.
Dr Ramroop declared categorically, “This is a total fabrication and bears not the slightest semblance to what is actually the case.”
Dr Ramroop explained that his company had bought the television station Vieira Communications Television (VCT)/Channel 28 back in 2008 from Anthony Vieira, a former opposition parliamentarian.
“This was a very open and public transaction,” Dr Ramroop explained. “In fact, because Vieira was so closely associated with the People’s National Congress (PNC) there was some criticism of his sale to me.”
Details of the sale were carried by Kaieteur News under the headline, “Guyana Times owners buy VCT Channel 28”.
“How can people now talk about the government granting me a television licence?” questioned Dr Ramroop.
Best offer
The Kaieteur News article of June 5, 2009, cited by Dr Ramroop, said in part: “With respect to the deal with the Ramroop Group of Companies that was inked this week, Vieira said that it was the best offer he received and had no option but to accept it.”
“As businessmen, we enter into specific business ventures with objectives, whilst at the same time, seeking to conclude the best alternative or deal and I believe, having considered all my years of hard work and investments in the television industry, the offer I got for VCT from the Ramroop Group was acceptable,” Vieira was reported as saying at the time.

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