Gouveia makes another push for strategy to market Guyana abroad

Resort owner and prominent Guyanese businessman Captain Gerry Gouveia has made another appeal for the Guyana government to invest in marketing the country overseas. He also called for the establishment of a national marketing strategy to propel tourism in Guyana. A national marketing strategy has been long in the making, but due to non-support, it has not materialised.
He said the time has come for a public-private partnership with the backing of the tourism ministry, which would result in the formation of a national marketing strategy.
“So while we can deal with the security issues, we can deal with the education issues, the number one issue for us is marketing and we urge the government to embrace a national marketing strategy.”
According to Gouveia, the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG) has already acquired the service of an expert who will aid the country in the formulation of the document that will promote tourism as an economic tool for development.
With increased popularity, the private sector official said the tourism sector can now accelerate its action plan to draw people to Guyana to explore its pristine forest, breathtaking waterfalls, terrain, flora and fauna, and not forgetting the wide range of international events staged in the country annually.
He said too that the local media should do more to promote the untold beauty that lies within the country. Supporting the notion of a tourism-driven economy is nothing strange to the Caribbean and the rest of the world, Gouveia said, as he called on all Guyanese to promote Guyana as a tourism destination.
“All over the Caribbean, they have been doing this for decades.”
According to him, Guyana’s branding is non-existent due to the lack of an effective marketing strategy.
He said the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) has put Guyana on the world stage. The LCDS, an initiative by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, was designed to rake in financial support for the country’s contribution in the reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

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