Good news for Guyana where food is concerned

Dear Editor,
Guyana is to receive an award for cutting extreme poverty and hunger, and this kind of news should really make all of us very proud. But first, I have a very compelling matter to talk about.
I get very perturbed, when I read that globally, one third of all food produced is wasted or lost, while millions of people go hungry. Last year, I went to Canal Numbers One and Two and I was totally taken aback. I saw enough wasted fruits to fill a few barrels.
I was told, quite casually too, that there was no need for me to get flustered in anyway – it happens all the time.
I am talking here about fruits of all types, while some places are so barren and hostile to farming that the people there would love to take and utilise what we are taking for granted.
We have to come up with a plan to make use of all of our fruits. We shop a lot for fruit concentrates and powder and we use them to make all kinds of beverages.
We need to sell these things to outsiders, not buy them.
Guyana is one of 17 countries, out of 189, selected to receive an award in Italy at the end of the month. This is because our country scored big in terms of the achievement of Millennium Development Goal Number One, which aims to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
This is definitely not a mean achievement. I think of how well rice has been doing. I know that cassava, corn and black-eye peas are being talked about, and I feel very upbeat about enhancing national food security even further.
I urge all Guyanese to be aware of the many good things that are happening in the country. I am a realist and I know that we have our challenges, but we have enough to work with, to make this land even more outstanding than it is at the moment.
Yours sincerely,
Faye Harte.

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