Golfing in Guyana: a new attribute of tourism

Dear Editor,

The golfing fraternity in Guyana is quickly expanding, comprising a dynamic group of individuals including foreigners, diplomats, academics, business people, and local residents. Digicel Guyana is expected to host a two-day premier tournament scheduled for this weekend. So far, more than 70 local and foreign golfers have confirmed their participation in the upcoming event. The expectations are great and there is tangible excitement in the air.

Aside from the nature of the competition, the establishment of golf in Guyana has resulted in many Guyanese returning for this tournament. Additionally, the tournament tends to draw the presence of quite a few significant individuals in today’s society. This event is indeed an opportunity to promote Guyana and the development of golf tourism in our country.

In countries like Scotland, Spain, New Zealand and India, golfing tourism is colossal. Golfers of all levels go to the extremes to enjoy a game of golf. The high influx of golf tourists in these countries reflects greatly upon them, including the need for services such as tour operators, hoteliers, and golf course and golf service providers.

Guyana has the potential to benefit greatly from golfing tourism. Approximately 30 of the individuals expected to participate in this weekend’s event are overseas based.

Certainly, we can have arrangements made for holiday packages incorporating golfing activities to be developed.

As it relates to the appreciation for golf locally, Culture, Youth and Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony has publicised his commitment to support the sport, in addition to assuring members of his obligation to ensure that the access road to the golf course will be properly maintained.


Kayla Geoffrey

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