GNRA names 11-member Guyana team – Guyanese confident of doing well at Barbados Fullbore Shooting Championship

By Rajiv Bisnauth –

A strong 11-man team will represent Guyana at the West Indies Fullbore Championships next week in Barbados.
The championship will be held at the Paragon Range in Bridgetown from May 13-19. Jamaica, Barbados, Bermuda and Trinidad and Tobago are the other participating countries.

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Headlining the Guyanese team is national fullbore captain Mahendra Persaud, national champion Ransford Goodluck, Lennox Braithwaite, former Assistant Commissioner of Police Paul Slowe, Dylan Fields, USA-based Sigmund Douglas, Leo Ramalho, Lutenent. Cornel. Terrance Stuart, Dane Blair, Charles Dean and Peter Persaud.
Having completed arduous training with a meet against the Great Britain team last week, the Guyanese have all the ammunition they need to shoot down the other four competing teams.
Speaking with Guyana Times International Sport at the conclusion of the Guyana National Rifle Association (GNRA)/Great Britain Rifle Shooting championships at the Timehri Rifle Ranges last Thursday, fullbore captain Mahendra Persaud said that his team is fully prepared and confident of winning both categories.
“Our team already has our plans on how we will approach the championships in Barbados, so once we can stick to that plan we will definitely come out on top. I am confident and I know the team is also confident in retaining both title,” Persaud said.
“We did well against Great Britain, despite losing both the individual and team categories. It was good preparation and the scores were encouraging so we know we will do well in Barbados,” Persaud added.
The Guyanese are the regional shooting champions, having won both the long and short ranges titles at home last October.
During this year’s championship, the five regional countries will form a West Indies team that will compete against the British, Canadian and United States shooters in the Australia Cup International tournament.
The tournament will run simultaneously with the West Indies Fullbore Championships.
Several members of the Guyana team are likely to be included in the West Indies team in the prestigious tournament to be hosted for the first time in the Caribbean.
Guyanese Paul Slowe has already been named captain of the West Indies team for the international tournament.

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