Glory days for sugar not over – Dr Ramsammy

Faced with the recurring low production and dire financial problems of the sugar industry, Agriculture Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy on Saturday declared that “the glory days” of GuySuCo are not over, vowing that the corporation will have even more glorious days.
Ramsammy was speaking at a ceremony to honour outstanding workers across the various estates. He said the industry had to be brought out of its death bed in the 1980s, and government succeeded in bringing it back.
“GuySuCo will continue to be a pillar in the development of the economy as it is more than an industry, it is essential to the country and too important to fail, he stressed.

Blairmont champion worker Avril Patricia Spencer receives her certificate from a GuySuCo official
Blairmont champion worker Avril Patricia Spencer receives her certificate from a GuySuCo official

“We all have one goal and that goal is a better Guyana… we were once a poor, highly rejected bankrupt country, and today we are a middle-income country,” he said, proving that difficulties are not insurmountable.
Some 28 workers were honoured from Albion, Blairmont, Enmore, La Bonne Intention (LBI), Rose Hall, Skeldon, Uitvlugt and Wales sugar estates, as well as the Demerara Sugar Terminal. The ceremony was held at the Blairmont Community Centre.
Last year, GuySuCo’s production was relatively low when compared to previous years; however, the company saw it necessary to honour the persons who contributed to the company’s output. Minister Ramsammy in his address to the workers said that even as the company celebrates the history and success of the industry in this difficult time, there are some persons who seem to be happy with the company’s situation.
Total production for 2012 was 218,070 tonnes, a contraction of 7.8 per cent.
This was attributed to industrial relations disruptions and inclement weather, during the first half of the year.
A dry weather spell aided the industry during the second crop; however, the first crop contraction of 33.4 per cent could not be compensated for by the second crop increase of 13.3 per cent.
The agriculture minister urged that although workers may have differences, these should be resolved with the management to bring success to the company.
Economic development
“Even in difficult times, the company continues to contribute not only to the economic development but also social development of workers, whether by providing scholarships for children, recreational facilities, supporting sports development, or contributing to community needs. Workers have put their lives into the industry, thus, honouring them is necessary, he noted.
GuySuCo Chief Human Resources Manager Stacy London commended the workers who have gone the extra mile to achieve outputs over the past year.
London urged other workers to continue to work to the best of their ability and to take example from their colleagues, so that the estate can surpass its target.
London stressed that the workers need to work beyond the call of duty in order to improve the company’s image.
GuySuCo Chairman Rajendra Singh congratulated the champion workers as well. He said that even as the company celebrates its workers, they should use the event to reflect on what was done wrong and how they can improve on production.
Singh urged workers to work together in order to effectively correct the situation that caused the decrease in production.
He said the board, management, unions, workers and stakeholders should bond with the same objectives and take the industry to recovery. The workers were also presented with certificates and other prizes.

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