‘Give Another Chance Foundation’

Give Another Chance Foundation (GACF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation registered in Guyana, with more than eight years of giving back to the society.
Its staff spans a range of disciplines from the social sciences, public policy, technology, and the creative arts. This interdisciplinary team collaborates to bring cross-disciplinary insights to a future that combine complex challenges and require unconventional perspectives.

Spreading Christmas cheer

The Board of Directors is committed to the financial, operational, and intellectual vitality of the organisation. From the earliest days, the Board has collaborated with management to evolve the organisation’s mission, resources, and administrative practices to meet the demands of a changing world.
Give Another Chance Foundation works in rural and outskirt urban communities of Guyana. These areas are known for high levels of poverty and low levels of educational achievement.
The Foundation works on self-reliant projects where its education programmes focus not just on access, but on attainment – ensuring vulnerable children have the right infrastructure, resources, teaching and parental support in order to have a quality education, and go on to lead productive, happy lives. This is complemented by the Foundation’s livelihood programmes that work to create secure incomes. The organisation also helps to improve agricultural practices and market awareness for farming communities.
GACF’s goals are to improve children’s lives by creating a social movement that delivers effective health, education, nutritional programmes; to give children an opportunity to realise their own personal achievement whether academically, artistically or within the realms of sports; and to promote peace, justice, understanding and friendly relations between the people of Guyana and people of the nations.
The organisation is committed to providing basic education from pre-school to university, and healthcare to underprivileged children in rural and urban communities. It believes that whether you are addressing healthcare, poverty, population control, unemployment or human rights, there is no better place to start than in the corridors of education.

The community of Baramita, North West District, received a basketball court, a collaboration between GACF and Mr. Thakur of the Atlantic Mining Company

Give Another Chance Foundation works with girls and boys in rural communities of Guyana to ensure they are able to learn the skills and gain the knowledge that will help them break out of poverty and secure their future with an After School Teaching programme.
Laying the foundations for learning, the organisation focuses on delivering quality early learning programmes. It ensures children get the best education at primary level, focusing on math, literacy, sciences, health, agriculture, critical thinking and more.
Notably, the Foundation works with men and women in rural communities to ensure they are able to earn a living, support their children’s education and have enough food to feed their families.
The Foundation helps communities find long-term solutions to poverty through innovative education and livelihood projects, which empower an individual to earn a livelihood. Its goal is to increase awareness on a range of issues – from healthcare to appropriate social behaviour to understanding one’s rights, and in the process help persons become better citizens.
Visit Give Another Chance Foundation on Facebook to see all the good work it has been doing throughout the years. (Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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