Girlfriend of stabbed teen still seeking answers

A teenage boy was brutally stabbed to death on the Kitty seawall in the wee hours of Monday morning, during an altercation with a group of persons.
The teenager was identified as Jamal Harris, 19, of Lot 81 D’Urban Street, Lodge, Georgetown.
Harris was employed in the maintenance department of the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (NEW GPC Inc), Farm, East Bank Demerara for a few years. The management of NEW GPC Inc has extended deep condolences to the family of Harris, saying that the young man was a hard working employee.

Dead: Jamal Harris
Dead: Jamal Harris

Based on information received, Harris had an altercation with a group of persons, during which he was stabbed several times to his abdomen. Soon after he fell to the ground, was picked up by friends and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he succumbed about 4:00h.
At Harris’ home on Monday, his fiancée, Tamika Hinckson said she was in her bed when she received a telephone call from an unknown number informing her that Harris was stabbed and was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital.
She added that she panicked and rushed out of bed; went on the road but took some time to get a taxi to go to the medical facility since it was early in the morning. Upon her arrival, she did not get a chance to see her fiancé, since the doctors were still trying to save his life.
About an hour later, she highlighted that the doctors came out and informed her relatives that Harris did not make it. The distraught woman said she was shocked at the way her boyfriend was killed and despite her search for answers as to what transpired; she was at a dead end.
Hinckson added that she last saw Harris about 00:30h when she telephoned him to pick her up and take her home.  She reported that he said he would be returning shortly after he dropped her off. The woman confirmed that earlier in the day, Harris went to the creek with some friends, a trip which he asked her to accompany him on, but she had fallen asleep at her mother’s house. Upon waking up, she called his mobile phone, but received no answer.
She reiterated that the police are still not saying anything to the family and she cannot confirm who he was with at the seawall. They have been together for the past three years.
Yvonne Smith, the mother of the dead teenager, stated that she received a call about 4:00h from her son’s girlfriend telling her that he was stabbed and requested that she visit the Georgetown Public Hospital immediately.
Upon her arrival at the facility, she saw her son lying on a stretcher with doctors around him trying to save his life, but soon after, he took his last breath. The last time Smith said she saw her son was on Friday. However, she noted that after she returned from work on Sunday, she enquired about him and was told that he went to the creek.
She was being comforted by her family and was still in a state of shock. He leaves to mourn his mother, three siblings and fianceé.  No one was arrested as police continue their investigations.

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