Girl killed in accident with Greene laid to rest

Eleven-year-old Saziya Jamalludin of Lot 26 Adelphi Village, East Canje, Berbice, was laid to rest on Wednesday after a funeral service at her parents’ residence.
The former Fifth Grader of the Rose Hall Estate Primary School last rites were conducted according to Muslim customs even as her mother remained in an unconscious state at the Georgetown Public Hospital, while her father, who was at home did not have the strength to stand at the side of her white coffin at the ceremony held at their home.

Relatives and friends view the body of the child at her parents’ residence

Relatives said that Bashir Jamalludin was weak and fainted several times during the funeral service. Up to the time of the funeral proceedings, mother of the child Zaifoon Hussain was still fighting for her life and has no knowledge that her only child had passed away.
Rahim Kalleem, a mechanic, who was driving the black Carina AT 192 at the time of the collision, is also hospitalised, so is his son Fawaz while his wife Shaimoon and other son Reaz were discharged after being treated for serious injuries. However, they remained with relatives in the city monitoring the conditions of those still in hospital.
The funeral was well attended with more than 80 per cent of those in attendance being women, while the headmistress, teaching staff and the deceased’s former classmates from Rose Hall Estate Primary, were present to say goodbye.
It was just over two weeks ago, many had gathered at the same residence to pay their final respects to the deceased’s maternal grandmother, who passed away on August 27. The body of the accident victim was interred at the Reliance Cemetery. Greene’s Toyota Land Cruiser, PLL 7411, veered into the car in which Jamalludin was travelling at Harlem, West Coast Demerara, and then slammed into a Bakewell canter.
Eight persons were also injured in the accident.
Greene died as a result of a fractured spine, while Jamaluddin died of multiple injuries, their post-mortems revealed. Speaking with Guyana Times International on Tuesday, Nazmoon Jamaluddin, an aunt of the deceased child, explained that a decision was taken by the child’s father to go ahead with the funeral since he was not sure how much longer his wife will take to recuperate.

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