Gilbert says religious bodies, families need to be more vibrant in shaping society

By Leana Bradshaw  –

Making reference to the sociological concept that society has basic human institutions, with the family being at the fore, National Family Commission Chairman Dr Kwame Gilbert noted that the family unit is most important in fostering a safe and well rounded society. He made these comments during an interview with Guyana Times International, when questioned on the occasion of International Day of Families, which is observed on May 15 each year, since it was designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993.

Dr Kwame Gilbert
Dr Kwame Gilbert

“It is from the family that politicians are drawn, it is from the family that the educational system is developed… and that even religion is drawn. So in essence therefore, the family is critical, because that is where every individual receives their first level of socialisation. That is where the value systems are first of all established,” Reverend Gilbert stated.
As such, he stressed that the institution of the family is vital to the fabric of society, given that it is responsible for the upcoming generation which forms the society.
“It sets the tone for what all the other social institutions eventually demonstrate, manifest or become,” he pointed.
Family morals in Guyana
Speaking in light of the recent spate of killings in Guyana, Dr Gilbert said he does not believe the family unit has intentionally failed in carrying out its functions to nurture a safe environment, but rather, that there are a number of conspiring factors that have contributed to what is being played out in the local context.
He said while the role of the male as a father figure in the family is critical, in the absence of such, the second most important human institution – the religious organisation, must step in.
“I believe, and this is not just conjecture, from a lot of researches that have been done over time, that one of the major factors that’s affecting families today and robbing them of that ability to really function in a way that is enabling and empowering, is the absence of the role of the male.”
He continued: “There’s a function for every male and father in the parenting, child rearing, child caring process. When that is removed, I think it contributes in a large way in how the family then is forced to function.”
“I don’t think the school is effectively tasked with the responsibility of nurturing, with respect to establishing some of those more key value systems in our young people,” Dr Gilbert pointed out.
He concluded: “If those two institutions are failing (family and religion), we’re in serious trouble.” The NFC chairman therefore blames the downfall of these two institutions for the high rate of violence in Guyana, and believes the religious bodies need to be more vibrant in shaping society.
The International Day of Families reflects the importance the international community attaches to families. It also provides an opportunity to promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase knowledge of the social, economic, and demographic processes affecting families.

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