Georgetown resident seeking assistance for second kidney transplant surgery

Reena Sultan

Reena Sultan of Charlotte Street, Georgetown had undergone a kidney transplant surgery in India nearly 8 years ago, but is now experiencing remission and is seeking public assistance to offset the expenses associated with a second kidney transplant surgery she is required to take.

The 38-year-old mother of one related that she had had a kidney transplant surgery done in India in 2008, after she had been diagnosed with renal failure, but she went into remission about a year ago, and currently relies on dialysis to remain alive.

She indicated that she needs dialysis at least three times a week, but severe repercussions attend this temporary treatment, and she sometimes even considers “giving up” as a result of the pain.

The ailing woman and her husband related that her entire family is sympathetic to her plight, and a nephew would be donating a kidney for this second transplant. Several relatives were tested, but her nephew has been the best match. Her 17-year-old son had also offered to donate a kidney, but he is not yet of age.

The woman is accordingly pleading with the public for assistance to afford her a new lease on life. The overall cost of her surgery is about G$5 million, but the cost of her dialysis has already left the family strapped for cash.

Those wishing to contribute to Sultan’s second kidney transplant are being kindly asked to place their donations in Republic Bank Account number 298-935-8.


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