Georgetown hospital launches probe into infant’s death

Jaheim Niles

The Georgetown Public Hospital has launched an investigation into the death of a seven-month-old baby who mysteriously died on Monday while receiving medical attention at the Accident and Emergency Unit. In a press release, the hospital indicated that the investigation would seek to unearth the circumstances that led to the death of Jaheim Niles of 4643 Rasville, Roxanne Burnham Drive, Georgetown.
The hospital also used the opportunity to express condolences to the family and relatives of the deceased, noting that no death is acceptable.
Distraught family members on the other hand believe that the doctors at the hospital who were looking after the child should be blamed for his death. On Sunday, the seven-month-old baby was rushed to the hospital by his 19-year-old mother Kinsha Gillis and grandmother Audrey Gillis, and allegedly waited for hours at the Accident and Emergency Unit before receiving medical attention.
According to Audrey Gillis, her grandson had apparently contracted a terrible flu and had difficulties breathing. Gillis said that Niles was given antibiotics and oxygen after it was discovered that he had a cold and inflamed lung, but this medical attention never came after several hours, she emphasised.
Niles’ grandfather, Brian Gillis said he is outraged over the passing of his grandson. He posited that the Georgetown hospital needs to get its act together. He said that the child was not diagnosed with any disease in the past, and finds it strange that a “bouncing and healthy baby” would die due to asthma, cold or flu.

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