Georgetown Chamber welcomes announcement of security reforms

President of the GCCI Clinton Urling

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Wednesday said it views very favourably Monday’s announcement by Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee on the proposed implementation of strategic plans for the improvement of our security agencies.
“Our private sector members have identified the security situation as a significant barrier to doing business in Guyana and this timely intervention places substantial focus on reducing this impediment. A safe and secure environment attracts capital, encourages growth, and helps to improve conditions that contribute to the overall quality of life of our citizens”, the Chamber said in a statement.
The Chamber said that meeting these security objectives will be vital for the economy, businesses and society as a whole.
“The GCCI notes approvingly the proposed inclusion of non-state entities, groups and individuals in the implementation phases of the outlined initiatives. The Chamber therefore stands ready to engage and work with all stakeholders to ensure that the measures and objectives outlined are achieved”, it said.
It added that the GCCI views this as a “shared undertaking and we are calling on our own membership, on government, on opposition political parties, on labour organisations, and other civil society groups to support the implementation of the strategic plans to ensure a safe and prosperous Guyana.”
Rohee announced several reforms of the police force starting this year, with civilian oversight of the implementation of a strategy that emphasises more training and possible hiring of foreign police officers to serve as consultants for critical reorganisation.

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