George Correia: ‘Nagamootoo has lost his sense of direction’

George Correia
George Correia

With his party’s recent decision to form an alliance with the main opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), executive member of the Alliance For Change (AFC) and Prime Ministerial candidate in the APNU-AFC coalition, Moses Nagamootoo has been deemed a man who “has lost his sense of direction” by political commentator George Correia.

Correia’s comments were made against the backdrop of the AFC making a decision to join forces with APNU to “defeat the PPP” at the upcoming May 11th polls”.

The decision taken by the party has reaped heavy criticism in the public domain and even resulted in some longstanding members resigning from the party. Additionally, just recently, Executive Member of the party, Raphael Trotman publicly admitted that the party had been losing support due to its decision to coalesce with APNU.

As a result of this, Correia lamented that he is of the firm belief that “Moses Nagamootoo has lost his sense of direction.” He said also that he is unaware whether the decision was supported by Nagamootoo because of “passion, hatred or just ignorance.”

But the decision, he opined, is one which will cause the AFC to lose their support, resulting in the coalition’s defeat. “Yes, they will lose the support they got in the last elections,” he said.

Commenting on the considerations that the AFC would have taken prior to making a decision to join APNU, a passionate Correia said that, “If you love your people, you will not send them to something they do not want; they are not your property or your slaves.”

Reflecting on what has transpired in previous times; Correia related that if the election is running the way it has been running for years, then this coalition “will not last”.

He noted that the first attempt at a coalition did not last, as the PNC’s bullyism prevailed, which leaves room to predict that this coalition certainly will not last either.

“The Constitution gives the President the power to do what he wants, when he wants and how he wants. And my prediction is that if APNU should win, men like Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan will be disbanded some time or the other from the Party and put away, because if you are a traitor to your own house, I cannot trust you in mine,” he added.

Meanwhile, he sought to dismiss any claims that he has a personal vendetta against these men, stressing that, “I have nothing against these men but for the love of my country, I will do anything necessary to ensure that tomorrow holds a better future for Guyana.”

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