General Election looms

President Donald Ramotar
President Donald Ramotar

While the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has decided to throw its support behind the proposed vote of no-confidence by the Alliance For Change (AFC), the Government is expecting that the process would go through the normal course in the National Assembly.

This is according to Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, who told reporters that the proposed no-confidence motion should not be seen as something to be done away with in a swift manner. The Cabinet Secretary said: “So you have a motion that is now supported by two parliamentary (Opposition) parties, our expectation would essentially be for the motion to be introduced for the Speaker to rule… it is not intended to be a one-day affair… one has to delve into the Constitution… the standing orders, it is matter of process essentially.”

After this is done, Luncheon advised, the requisite steps would be taken by the Executive to follow through on the motion. Luncheon said while an election date can be set before the debate on the no-confidence motion ensues in the national Assembly, it is a vague possibility.

APNU Leader David Granger
APNU Leader David Granger

If the motion of no-confidence is passed in the National Assembly, President Donald Ramotar would be constitutionally bound to dissolve the National Assembly. He would also be required to set a date for the holding of General Elections no more than three months after the motion would have made its way through the National Assembly.

Luncheon, however, told reporters that while this is so, the no-confidence motion is being seen as nothing more than another challenge faced by Governments around the world.

When questioned on whether Cabinet had held discussions about the no-confidence proceedings at its meeting on Tuesday, Dr Luncheon responded in the negative stating that the matter was only “noted”.

“Note was taken of the intention that had been reported in the media, what subsequently took place cannot be called a discussion, in my note-taking, it goes down as Cabinet noted” said Luncheon.

PPP/C ready

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan
AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

Nevertheless, Dr Luncheon said that the issue will be on the agenda for the next Cabinet meeting, which is scheduled for next Tuesday. When asked whether the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration was in a state of preparedness for General Elections, Dr Luncheon referred to previous statements made by President Ramotar and PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee.

Both individuals have previously said that the PPP/C is ready for the hosting of General or Local Government Elections. If the no-confidence motion is passed, General Elections is likely to be held in Guyana by January 2015.

The APNU has said it has initiated in-house talks over the process leading up to the elections, which would include campaigning.

The 26-seat Opposition coalition group has thrown its full support behind the motion of no-confidence to be tabled in the National Assembly by the AFC against the PPP/C Government. The APNU took the decision after its Members of Parliament who formed a Shadow Cabinet met on Tuesday afternoon to deliberate on the draft AFC motion at the Leader of the Opposition’s Office on Hadfield Street, Georgetown.

APNU’s Co-Chairman, Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, speaking with Guyana Times International, confirmed that the decision was unanimous.

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