GECOM desperately needs oversight in its data processing department

Dear Editor,
It remains a serious concern that Claudette Singh, the GECOM Chairperson plans to integrate the highly flawed and incomplete House-to-House (H-t-H) Registration dataset with the existing voters’ list. This move will never yield fair and credible elections. The H-t-H exercise lacked integrity on many fronts. The Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) was never even invited to scrutinise such an important exercise, even though it was a requirement. The H-t-H Registration exercise was monitored exclusively by the PNC (APNU). How can this ever be fair? On this basis alone, the H-t-H data is deemed defective and should never be used.
To make matters worse, this database is also incomplete. The GECOM Chair invoked fears of rigged elections when she announced plans of merging the flawed H-t-H Registration data into the voters’ list. Why is the GECOM Chair hell-bent on merging such an unfair dataset in which the PNC was the only political party monitoring data collection during the H-t-H Registration exercise? How can this ever lead to credible elections? How can Guyanese ever trust GECOM? I urge my fellow Guyanese to speak out against GECOM. GECOM desperately needs oversight in its data processing department.
Also, the GECOM Chair even announced that she cannot comprehend why the PPP Commissioners wanted early elections. How unfair of the Chairman to take such an unreasonable position. Like my fellow Guyanese, I completely understand the need for early elections. GECOM denied this. How cruel of GECOM! I must remind the GECOM Chair that the Constitution demands early elections in response to the successful passage of the No-Confidence Motion in December of last year. Is there any respect for our Constitution? Why is GECOM this biased? Where are our rights in this country?
And because of the lawlessness in GECOM, Guyana is without a legal and constitutional Government. Today, Mr Granger lingers on in power illegally in hopes that GECOM will deliver an unfair election where he will be victorious. What bullies! Where is our decency in this country? To this end, I urge my fellow Guyanese to speak out against GECOM, before it is too late. The protest against GECOM and an illegal (APNU/PNC/AFC) Government must continue.

Annie Baliram

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