GEA markers modified: – as robbers steal former markers

The Guyana Energy Agency says that its marker concentrate has been modified to detect the unauthorized use of the ones stolen last week when four masked persons entered the Quamina Street compound and stole some domestic marker concentrates that were used to mark fuel.

“All fuel dealers, vendors, and operators are warned to desist from purchasing illegal fuel,” the chief executive officer’s secretariat said in a release to the media.

The release stated that those found indulging in activities involving improperly marked fuel will be fined as much as $ 3,000,000, and face imprisonment of three years.

“Anyone found in possession of marker, or fuel marked with the stolen marker, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,” the release stated.

Additionally, the Guyana Police Force has been working hand in hand, with the assistance of the GEA and the public, to bring the perpetrators to justice.

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