GDF officers relieved of duties over bonus challenge

The four officers who filed a lawsuit against Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Chief of Staff, Commodore Gary Best were on Wednesday relived of their duties with immediate effect to facilitate the court proceedings.
According to a release from the Guyana Defence Force, the reason for the decision to relieve the men of their positions came in light of the court proceeding, given its nature and implications, as well as to prevent any conflict of interest which may arise and allow for the officers to pursue their legal matters.

Commodore Gary Best
Commodore Gary Best

The release states “the Defence Board has instructed that they be relieved of their current appointments effective immediately, without prejudice to leave entitlements and pecuniary benefits, until the determination of their matters.”
Earlier in the week, the four senior GDF officers moved to the courts against Commodore Best over the non-payment of the annual bonuses which were issued to soldiers by President Donald Ramotar in 2012.
The lawsuit stemmed from a decision taken by the chief of staff not to pay the bonus after a two-month period.
The motion was filed in the High Court with the intention to overturn Best’s decision to withhold the payments.
Commodore Best will make an appearance at the Supreme Court on March 19 to explain why he should not be ordered to pay up the bonuses.
Guyana Times International understands that the payments were withheld as the officers are being tried in the army for various breaches. Based on reports received, more than 100 members of the GDF were said to have been affected by the decision to withhold bonuses.
It was also reported by sections of the media that prior to the president’s announcement of the bonus, a request was made for commanding officers to identify army staffers who had discipline issues within the force.
The list of names was supposed to be submitted by a particular time.

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