GDF officer sacked over robbery attempt

Lieutenant Madainey Humphrey has been dismissed from the Guyana Defence Force, following the conclusion of court martial proceedings against him, which concluded on Friday, May 10.
Lieutenant Humphrey was implicated in an attempted robbery at the Julian Ross Landing in January this year. The GDF, upon investigating the matter, took the decision to court martial the lieutenant who was found to have disobeyed a lawful command, and to have been in breach of the force’s standing orders, charges to which he pleaded guilty. The sentence to dismiss Lieutenant Humphrey was unanimous.

Lieutenant Madainey Humphrey
Madainey Humphrey

He was represented by Attorneys Bernard Da Silva and Beverly Bishop.
On April 22, Lieutenant Humphrey, 25, of Lot 2196 Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo, and Lance Corporal Felix Frank, 28, of Lot EP13 Melanie Damishana, East Coast Demerara, both pleaded not guilty to the robbery under arms charge when it was read to them at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. The charge states that on January 24 at Julian Ross Landing, Devils’ Hole, Cuyuni River, while being armed with an AK-47 rifle, they robbed Kelly Williams of three pennyweights of raw gold valued Gy$ 36,000, property of Almendo De Souza.
Out on bail
Prosecutor Corporal Kerry Bostwick had related to the court that the defendants were both serving members of the GDF and on the day in question, along with several other officers who were armed and in their uniforms, they went to a mining camp where they demanded the gold and money from the occupants there. They then went to Williams and took away the raw gold she had, and subsequently escaped.
The prosecutor had no objections to bail and asked that it be a substantial sum, if granted, and that both officers lodge their travel documents with the police. Attorney Bernard Da Silva represented Humphrey and made an application for bail to be granted to his client in a reasonable sum, stating that his client was court martialled earlier (Wednesday morning).
The attorney also made a bail application on behalf of Frank, whose attorney was absent. Da Silva told the court that the defendants are willing to abide by the conditions set out by the prosecutor.
Humphrey and Frank were granted Gy$ 300,000 bail each on the conditions that they lodge their passports with the police and report every Friday to the F Division. They made their next court appearance at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court on April 25.

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