GDF Officer on first ever Atlantic voyage with Argentine counterparts

As part of military cooperation between the Governments of Guyana and Argentina in the framework of bilateral relations between the two countries, Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Midshipman Worren Mars is currently participating in a training programme on the Argentine Naval vessel, the “FRAGATA A.R.A. LIBERTAD”. This is the first time that a GDF officer is crossing the Atlantic Ocean with Argentinian counterparts.

According to the Guyana Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ship left Argentina in March on its forty-sixth voyage with a crew of over 300 men and women. It is expected to sail through the Western Hemisphere and across the Atlantic Ocean visiting the ports of Fortaleza, Brazil; Veracruz, Mexico; Charleston, United States; Miami, United States; and Den Helder, Netherlands. It will disembark at Wilhelmshaven, Germany, on June 29.

Participating officers will have the opportunity to share experiences with Argentine counterparts from the Military Naval Academy, along with military personnel from other countries, through academic activities, conferences, exhibitions on ports to visit, and protocol and cultural events. They will also be trained in navigation in international waters, as well as through channels, coves, gulfs and other waters with a narrow passage, and in access to ports.

In 2014 and 2016, GDF Midshipman Elveart Michael Andrews and Sub-Lieutenant Carlos Moore were part of in the forty-fourth and forty-fifth annual Voyage of the “Libertad” in South America. The “Fragata Libertad” made its first journey to Guyana on July 16, 2011, and subsequently on July 6, 2012.

Bilateral relations between Argentina and Guyana were established on October 6, 1972.


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