In keeping with the Sustainable Development Goals-2 (SDG-2) which calls for zero hunger and the promotion of sustainable agriculture to achieve food security, the government will be investing some G$68M to support hinterland agriculture in 2018.

During her budget 2018 presentation, Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, Valerie Garrido-Lowe explained that G$25M will be used to procure tractors and equipment for three indigenous farming communities. This, she noted, will boost and enhance sustainable farming, productivity and food security for the residents.
Further, she explained that some G$33M will also be spent undertaking major upgrades to farm-to-market roads in six communities; Kabakaburi, Wakapoa, Kariako, Mararanau, Masakeneri, and Rupertee. “This will allow for the smooth flow of transportation of the residents’ agricultural products to market”, the Minister explained.
Additionally, the ATV trail in the Central Baramita to Lower Aranka will also be upgraded at the cost of G$10M in 2018.
The projects are part of the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs’ capital expenditure. The purpose is to provide appropriate technology and strong infrastructure to improve the transportation and materials to provide safety and protection to the farmers, in securing their farms, and accessing market for their produce.