G$1.2 billion East Bank Berbice road project nearing completion

Works ongoing on a culvert at Glasgow

As the G$1.2 billion East Bank Berbice (EBB) road project is nearing completion, 2.1 kilometres of the first layer of paved asphalt surface of the planned five kilometres has been completed.
Resident Engineer, Joel Tucker told the Department of Public Information (DPI) that this covers the stretch of road from Everton to Edinburgh and the section in Islington. The remaining 2.9 kilometres of asphalt surface will commence shortly.
Tucker said despite challenges with the May/June rains, the exercise which commenced in August 2017, will be completed by the end of this year.
“Presently, we’re 50 per cent in terms of asphalt placed. It was difficult for us to place our sub-base during rainy weather, so now that the rains have eased up, we’ve begun most of our sub-base work in the Glasgow and Heathburn area,” Tucker explained.
Some 1.9 kilometres of the base layer and the final layer of asphalt are slated for completion in Glasgow. Preparations are underway to begin the final layer of asphalt in the Edinburgh, Everton and Islington areas shortly.
Construction of the culvert at Baptiste Turn, Edinburgh is finished and another at Glasgow is approximately 90 per cent complete. The remaining structures to be done are the bridges at Gay Park, Edinburgh and recently-added Everton.
“We’re now driving piles for the bridge at the Everton location and that is scheduled to be completed at the end of November. It’s possible that we’ll complete the roadworks as scheduled but we may not complete all the structures before the end of the year,” the resident engineer underlined.
The safety features such as guardrails and road signage will also be completed. Meanwhile, the removal of utilities is almost completed with some minor Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) utilities remaining.
Additionally, a total of 120 light-emitting diodes (LED) roadway lighting fixtures were installed between Stanleytown and Everton Village in August.
This multimillion-dollar venture is being executed by the Public Infrastructure Ministry’s Special Project Unit utilising its own equipment and employing residents from the EBB area.

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