Full support of players not showing up for practice sessions

Dear editor,

Please allow me space in your newspaper letters column to share my views on the present situation regarding Guyana/WI cricket. Quite a lot was said already and published in the media and I will not repeat them. It’s more than time enough that the players and the people in Caribbean take some positive actions. It was reported in the media that Guyanese players have not been turning up practice session. There are many things to be made clear by the IMC. The ICC and the WICB have made their instruction very clear for everyone to comprehend – they will not accept any team that were not selected by the GCB. So am in full support of the players selected for not turning up training. Also, I am in support of the PM of Jamaica for Chris Gayle to be reselected in the West Indies Squad. It’s time now for the people in the Caribbean to give their full support to the players who have not been selected in the WI squad by not attending the matches. I should ask, what is the present position with the WI Team training clashing with the WICB four day tournament? Very interesting WICB.

Yours truly,

Hafiz Mohamed

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