Fulfilling IYPAD

President Bharrat Jagdeo’s approval of a grant of Gy$10 million to the African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) to support that organisation’s activities to mark the occasion of the International Year for People of African Descent (IYPAD) offers an opportunity to reflect on the commemorated event in our country.

Back in 2009, the UN had designated this year as IYPAD in acknowledgement of the historical injustices that had been inflicted on African peoples, and on the need for the world to attempt rectification in the present. At the launching of the event, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon had pointed out: “The international community has affirmed that the transatlantic slave trade was an appalling tragedy, not only because of its barbarism but also because of its magnitude, organised nature, and negation of the essential humanity of the victims. Even today, Africans and people of African descent continue to suffer the consequences of these acts.” The government, through the Culture Ministry, immediately organised a broad-based committee to plan a year-round roster of activities to give life to the declaration.

In January, after the launching of the plan of activities, there were some accusations that the government was excluding some organisations. The grant to ACDA should conclusively dispel such suspicions, if the information supplied by the Culture Ministry did not do so at the time. ACDA has been one of the most independent organisations in the African community, and has not been shy in criticising the government on occasions.

At that launching at the International Convention Centre, President Jagdeo had promised, “We will, as a nation, salute, honour and pay tribute to the people of African descent who constitute such a vital part of the fabric of this plural nation; and we’re not just going to talk about it, but make sure that financially the government will support it.” In a very candid and forthright challenge, the president also declared, “When we come to the table, whatever differences we have, let’s talk about it here. If you feel that there are sections of the government that do things that are inimical to the interest of people of African descent, bring it to the table, don’t stay in the corner and cry like a baby.” We believe the president has touched on the crux of the conversations that are swirling around the IYPAD commemorative activities: the intrusion of political partisanship. On the fears that only groups friendly to the government would be given access to the Gy$32.6 million that had been allocated for group activities, surely they have been dissipated by the unfolding reality. It is time that those who use our group identifications to divide us be rejected. There are still in our midst the disabilities consequent to slavery to confront.

As Jagdeo said, “This dedication of 2011 as the year for peoples of African descent was necessary because the world needs to yield itself from these afflictions in history, particularly the single affliction that is at the root of the ills suffered by Africans; that is, African slavery.” But what should be appreciated is that the president seeks to go beyond the identification and celebration of cultural survivals – important as those might be.

In a landmark speech four years ago, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade, the president unequivocally demanded from the slave-owning countries reparations for the descendants of Africans who had been enslaved, and he had taken that demand to Caricom. The issue of reparations was once again invoked by Jagdeo at the launching of IYPAD. In addition to the commemorative activities, such as the mega-concert that the government has organised for October and which will involve several countries from the African diaspora, we are calling on all stakeholders of IYPAD to join President Jagdeo in the demand for reparations.

This will be the most appropriate fulfillment of IYPAD.

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