Fuel concession for fishing vessels is a worthy consideration

Dear Editor,
It is very comforting to note that boat owners may very well be in for a treat. They are now upbeat as Cabinet is expected to soon review a proposal for the granting of concessions on fuel for small fishing vessels. If and when this happens, it will go a long way toward aiding our fisher folk in Guyana. Many of them operate in other neighbouring countries and all because of various concessions.
Currently, high operational cost per each fishing trip is quite high, and I do know of many boats that are moored all because of a lack of capital.
At a recent meeting between a group of seven fishermen, the president and the agriculture minister, the men requested concessions on fuel, which they said is more than 50 per cent of their operational cost per trip.
Sometimes, a boat has to travel for as many as three days non-stop to reach fishing grounds. A return trip then, say of about two weeks, will entail six days of travel. That is fuel talking here.
Boat owners are being unfairly treated, since the Guyana Association of Trawler Owners and Processors is accessing cheap fuel, while small fishing vessels are not enjoying similar privileges. We need a level playing field.
Also, as regards these trawlers that are depleting the ocean – just ask any fisherman, and he will willingly take people and show them how much of a threat to sustainable fishing they are.
The trawler association purchases fuel for Gy$ 600 per gallon, while owners of small vessels pay over Gy$ 1000 per gallon for fuel. This is quite ridiculous. I really hope for some respite for these hardworking men.
Respectfully yours,
Lloyd Wilson

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