Friends falling out?

Satiricus was in a quandary. What was he to think? More importantly, what was he to do? He’d been so hopeful about the new dispensation in Parliament. The government needed to be tightened up. The opposition with their one-seat majority would keep them in line. Now it looked like it was all falling apart over the Rodee matter.
TratMan the “Talker” was going one way, NAPNU was going in the opposite direction and the KFC, as usual, was up in the air. Satiricus was happy to get his hands on the Talker’s diary. Maybe that would clear up things.
Dear Diary,
I damned tired, Diary, damned tired. You think is easy writing a 6000-word explanation for my ruling on that blasted Rodee matter? Especially when I’m not supposed to be too well. You don’t remember? That’s why I didn’ run in the last elections. You still don’t remember. Well OK…  I does forget sometimes too.
If I was really sick, I woulda been dead by now. Is not easy when you doing one thing and you want to make people believe that it is something else. I had to write all them words to cover my tracks. “Misdirection” is what my old law professor in torts used to call it.
But Dear Diary, when the lawyers read my 6000 words, they’ll think Old TratMan trying to be a scholar! Well, even if I say so, it was a scholarly effort. All kinda big words and quotes from big time judges and so on. Never mind what NAPNU Moustache Man trying to say that I don’t know what I talking about. What does he know about law? He jealous of me ever since I was supposed to be the leader of PNCEE. Imagine he think he can be leader!!
But the biggest laugh I get is when Rum Jhaat say he supporting my position. He can’t even figure out what tha position is and he backing it! What a dope! NoGel, who trying to slide into my seat in the KFC, also think he is a big-time lawyer. But even he can’t see what I am up to. I still waiting for BandaLall to say something. But I think he gon be so happy thinking that I supporting he, he will be happy like a pig in shi*! I hear he spending more time a the Airport Bar at Ogle after he big birthday bash.
Well, Dear Diary, they will soon find out. But I only telling you what really going on. I gon go down in history as the first Talker to do what he want in Parliament. All of them looking at the decision but they didn’t notice that it was not my decision to make. I seized the power of the Court and that uppity Justice Jang. I CAN NOW DO WHAT I WANT IN PARLIAMENT!!!

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