Free Link Shows in town

Is not very often yuh does get a chance to see and hear so many jokers around in any one place fuh so much of de time. But Guyana is a place that got nuff a dem. And GT de garbage town got most a dem. Yuh does have to pay to see de Link Show jokers and dem does be actin.

But from de Parliament to de rum shop to de car park to de pavement – is every where does have a lil Link Show goin on. And yuh ain’t got to pay fuh see that. And dem people in this Link Show ain’t actin either.

A reporter seh de Link Show attendance drop this year. That is exactly why. Yuh don’t have to watch Robbin Son alone to get a good laugh. Just walkin round GT de garbage town is good enough. Better yet, as yuh walkin around, drop in by S*ity Hall some time.

As soon as yuh drop in, yuh gon drop down and laugh till yuh belly buss. Is sheer real life jokers in deh. That is a different kinda Link Show. No body ain’t actin in deh. That is business as usual. Any meetin is just like watchin de Link Show. Starrin Green Ham, Green Case and Roy Stone.

Next year, if Robbin Son wanna mek more money, he ain’t gon have to pay any actors and he ain’t gon have to pay any rental fuh a run down Hen-C-C. He could just announce a fee and charge people to enter de S*ity Council.

De S*ity Council can’t even do a proper budget. De Mayor-fuh-Life wanna bring more jokers pun de wuk. But dem ain’t payin dem any jokey money. And de garbage whah dem gon leff in GT de garbage town ain’t no joke.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! A few steps down de road does be another Link Show whenever Parliament in session. That is also free, starrin Green Bridge, Rum Jhaat and Donkey Man. Best actor is Rum Jhaat, who does also give free shows at 7-Owe-4.


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