Freddie’s flagrant contradiction

Dear Editor,
I just cannot make sense of Freddie Kissoon’s many contradictory utterances.
I get the feeling that he has an anti-People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) agenda and will pursue it even if his pieces are most untenable.
Kissoon wrote that he travelled to Parika to listen to market vendors who were crying because scores of police swooped down on dozens of vendors.
So then, should these vendors be allowed to flout regulations eternally? They were warned and provided for, but their stubbornness persisted.
Alas, if the government should renege on its commitment to get things in order, it would be criticised for being sloppy, especially if a serious crime should be committed.
Freddie is of the opinion that Sir Jock Campbell was well liked on the sugar estates and that was causing a problem for Jagan’s success in organising the workers.
Yet this hated Jagan succeeded and the sugar workers treated him like a god.
Is Freddie sensible? Kissoon has his own axes to grind.
However, when his specious reasoning is evident and his follies are noticed, they should be exposed.

Ramesh Bisha

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