Freddie Kissoon’s ‘gospel’ of criticism

Dear Editor,

Whenever I read anything by Freddie Kissoon, I want to know what it is he is writing about. He has a ‘gospel’ of hatred and criticism.

If I choose to believe his ‘gospel,’ then Guyana is the worst country in the world and President Jagdeo is the worst man. In fact, Freddie Kissoon has become so irrelevant and impossible that he once wrote that ‘Long Hair’ Naraine, the notorious Guyanese-Surinamese pirate, is not so bad after all. Why? Simply because Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee exposed and castigated the bandit.

Just recently, I was scanning the news from around the world, and I shudder at what is obtaining at large. In comparison with the wider world, Guyana is so much better. I am aware of the myth that ‘everything outside’ is better, and America is ‘heaven.’ However, the common, day-to-day people in Guyana know better, and know the truth, too. Here, a little peek into the wider world will prove my point.

In the Middle East alone, there are crises such as: the Gaddafi war; the cross-border raid in NW Pakistan; the increasing death tolls from Southeast Asia flooding; and the Egyptian Church clashes, and I can go on. But let me switch to another part of the world; in ‘Dreamland,’ there is an educational issue, and President Obama is referring to these as ‘flaws’ in the education law.

In Australia, there is a huge war regarding sex and human trafficking. The report says it is thriving. I can make this enumeration even longer, but I think this suffices.

Editor, Guyana is not perfect – utopia is not a possibility. However, this country has come a far way. There is great freedom of speech that is now being abused. Also, there is a ‘free and fair’ election culture now. By the political largesse of this present PPP/C regime, Freddie Kissoon is able to ‘blabber’ his rancorous mouth.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Allicock

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