Freddie Kissoon’s hypocrisy is astonishing

Dear Editor

Freddie Kissoon continues to spew his untruths daily to the people of Guyana. His double-standard cannot be overlooked, as he continuously chastises the Jagdeo administration for theirs, and urges Guyanese to judge with him the shortcomings of the current government.

Kissoon has no moral decency. It seems his only concern is seeing his name in print and hearing it uttered from other people’s mouths. Craving this attention, it seems that he needs it desperately in order to survive his day and be able to write the next day’s “Freddie Kissoon column”. I understand that it must be a lot of pressure on him to produce a new column every day; but this is no excuse for him to present an impulsive, improperly researched pack of lies over and over again to Guyanese, and hope that nobody picks up on those lies.Had nobody come forward to discredit his recent piece, ” I know why the government did away with prescriptive rights”, in the Kaieteur News of March 22, 2011, we would never have known the truth at all. All of Guyana would have been left to believe that this Freddie feature was true. This feature was so hateful towards the government, and so dedicated to defaming the PPP administration, that Freddie would never have disclosed that he barefacedly conjured up such a lie and knowingly allowed it to be carried in a paper of such high circulation. Yet, he was not sanctioned in any way; neither by the newspaper, nor by the government that he continues to label a “dictatorship”.

Yours sincerely,

Raymond Edwards

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