Four-lane highway would ease the traffic congestion on our roadways

Dear Editor,

Safety on our roadways has been a very topical issue for some time now. And as a result, many citizens have expressed varying views, such as the need for the roads to be widened, and flyovers be built to accommodate the large number of vehicles on our roadways.

While the second suggestion seems disastrous, the government has heeded the first, as contracts have already been awarded to widen parts of the roadways into four lanes at Timehri and on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD).

I live in Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, and to get to and from work through the traffic is painstaking.

It takes me over two hours to reach work. So I am eagerly awaiting the four-lane road on the ECD, and I am sure most of the other residents of the ECD, who travel to Georgetown and other places, would welcome this intervention.

I recently learnt that the government is contemplating building a four-lane highway from the Demerara Harbour Bridge to Parika on the East Bank of Essequibo. Like on the ECD, the traffic congestion in the Region Three area is extremely frustrating. Also, I hope as many roads as possible would be widened, as this is a good way to start easing traffic congestion.

Yours sincerely,

Malini Dass

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