Former Policeman slapped with murder charge

Former Policeman Colin Bailey
Former Policeman Colin Bailey

Colin Bailey, a former Police Sergeant, was on Wednesday arraigned for the murder of his reputed wife when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.

It is alleged that between August 30 and 31, 2013 at Diamond, East Bank Demerara (EBD), he murdered Surmattie Ramnaress, called Savita.

In Court on Wednesday, Police Prosecutor Simone Payne told the Magistrate that the prosecution’s file was complete, but requested more time to acquire information on Colin Grant, the other person charged with the same offence.

The lifeless body of Ramnaress of Lot 2430 21 Avenue, Diamond Housing Scheme, was found about 10:00h lying face down in her office near her garage.

Her throat was slit, her head bashed in and her hip was disjointed while sections of her multimillion-dollar property were destroyed by fire.

Surmattie Ramnaress, called Savita
Surmattie Ramnaress,
called Savita

The bottom flat of the house was completely drenched with kerosene and the entire house was ransacked, which suggested that the woman was robbed before she was killed.

The perpetrators also set alight a bond behind the house, which was completely destroyed. After the robbery, the killers escaped in one of the woman’s motor cars.

Further information received revealed that the recordings from the internal and external surveillance cameras were missing.

Investigators from the inception believed that the robbery might have been an inside job, since there were no signs of forced entry to the premises.

In addition, the woman’s property was protected by a high grilled fence and an alarm system, which, according to neighbours, did not go off during the night of the gruesome murder.

The matter will continue on March 15, 2016.

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