Fool Sarran and Sus Penders talkin plenty now

Once upon a time, in dis dear land, no body coulda seh any ting against de guvament. Burnin Ham woulda mek nobody ever see yuh again. Even de good, braver try fuh seh some ting and nobody see he again. Then came Dis Mond and he dis everybody who Burnin Ham didn’t mek disappear.
Once upon a time, in dis dear land, Sus Penders and Fool Sarran used to be friken like cat and dem couldn’t seh a word. Dem used to hardly come outta dem house. Dem used to go from home to wuk and wuk to home. Some days dem even used to be friken fuh go to wuk, although both ah dem was de boss.
Suddenly, once upon a not so long time ago, de Fool and Penders start mekking plenty noise. Is like dem tryin fuh mek up fuh all dem years when dem mouth was stitch up by Burnin Ham and Dis Mond.
Penders been talkin so much that he ain’t had time fuh read de constitution, so de AG had to tell he whah it seh.  And de Fool tell people that de KFC could tek he name off de commission because he getting criticise. Is like he can’t come off heself or whah? And is since when he could bad talk people and can’t tek bad talk?
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! check and see if de Fool gon come off de commission and if Sus Penders gon read de constitution!

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