Following that dream of national unity

In mid-February, as Guyana observed Youman Nabi, President Bharrat Jagdeo issued a call to the leaders of the Muslim religion to work to defeat the scourge of racism that still vexes some aspects of civic life. And through- out the many contests and events to mark this country’s 41st Republic Anniversary, the theme of national unity was observed and expressed in costumes, both individual and band representations; in calypsos, and in messages to celebrate the occasion.

While we acknowledge that the call for national unity is not a recent development, we must also note that this yearning for greater togetherness among Guyana’s six peoples has been re- kindled with some degree of fervency over the last two decades. We can still recall an event in May 1995, when the late President Cheddi Jagan addressed a gathering of 62 primary and secondary students in New Amsterdam, Berbice. We refer to two points which, if inculcated in our youths, could produce in this and the next generation the fruits of a long process begun by their grandparents and parents. President Jagan first urged the students to master the subjects of Science and Technology, so that in the future they could contribute to increases in economic production, and also reduce production costs. Dr Jagan’s second point revolved on the subject of Guyana’s 29th Anniversary of Independence, the celebration of which was in progress. The media reported Dr Jagan as saying: “Independence does not only mean symbols, but should comprise more significance and content. The struggle must continue to prevent foreign political, economic, social, and cultural domination. We must pledge to struggle to realise true independence. If not, we will have poverty, unemployment, backwardness and a decline in the standard of living.”

Several years later, President Bharrat Jagdeo, in an address to mark another national milestone, challenged the Guyanese society with these profound words: “Let us dare to dream of national unity.”

There is no doubt that there exist various levels of ethnic suspicion, and even outright disrespect and intolerance, among persons in our society. These suspicions and insecurities are particularly noted at times of national elections, when some politicians play on fears to garner more support from their people. Yet, in spite of tensions and suspicions, thousands of Guyanese of all races interface with and work alongside each other on a daily basis. Many acts of heroism are performed in numerous communities, causing Guyanese of different races to rejoice and to be thankful for such gestures of human healing.

Here, we can recall the heroism of a young man who, by his brave and immediate action, saved a little girl from death following an accident on the Mahaica public road. On a sunny day in mid- July 2002, Tekchand, called ‘Ome,’ arrived on the scene moments after a little girl had been struck down by a minibus while attempting to cross the road. As a crowd gathered to stare at the still body of little Nickase Charles, Tekchand, later dubbed “a Good Samaritan”, rushed to her side, turned her over and, after noticing small signs of life, began giving her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Within moments, she began responding. Tekchand then tenderly picked her up and placed her in the very vehicle that was reportedly responsible for her condition. With the blood from her injuries staining his shirt, Tekchand calmly explained the following to those who had asked him why he had done such a selfless act:

“There was nothing else I could have done on seeing the child lying on the road in that condition. It’s a human life,” he said, simply. The relatives of the child offered heartfelt thanks to Tekchand for his good deed, which they all believe saved the life of their loved one.

Tekchand’s kiss of life not only saved the life of an accident victim, it also infused a healing breath into the entire nation, reminding all Guyanese that their collective humanity is greater than the sum of their ethnic divisions.

Let us all accept the challenge posed by President Jagdeo and work for national unity.

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