Follow pattern

Satiricus thought he would just ‘throw back’, after all the problems in Linden. Now that the army said the roads were clear, he’d be taking his brood down to Lethem for the holidays. Maybe he could take some pictures of all the burnt out buildings.
When the government rebuilt all of them from his hard-earned taxes, he could show everybody, the ‘before and after’ pictures. So here he was, about to able over to the back-street dive for a farewell drink with the boys, when the news came over that the kids at Onderneeming had taken over and burnt down one of the buildings.
“Ow budday!!!” exclaimed Cappo. “Wha else yuh expect? When coconut fall from tree he cyaan fasten back.” “Is what the arse, you mean?” growled Suresh.
“Sometimes you does talk like “meriddle, merridle”!” “Me friend, listen and learn,” continued Cappo with a smirk. “Once dem big ones in Linden start fuh burn, de lil ones gon falla pattern. Coconut fall fram tree and boat gane a watah!”
“I heard the children had a problem with the people in charge,” said Teacher Samad. “Just like the people in Linden.”
“But why they ain’t take up they problem with the warden, or whoever in charge,” asked Hari peevishly.
He had visions of his son, who’s been giving him some lip recently, burning down their house.
“Bai, is na de same thing happen in Linden?” asked Cappo patiently. “Dem people bin elect dem representative. Dem representative shoulda talk wid de government. Instead dem start fuh burn down buildings. Wha de big wan do; de lil wan gon follow!”
“Well, the minister say he gon set up an inquiry as to what happen at Onderneeming,” said Samad.
“Is inquiry all round!” noted Bungi. “We gon need fuh get wan inquiry fuh keep track a all dem inquiry!”
“Not so fast,” interjected Hari. “De kids will have to negotiate for the ToR of the inquiry.”
“The fus thing dem children gon demand is fuh some international people fu deh pan de panel!” predicted Cappo. “Children gat rights, yuh know.”
“Yep!” said Hari, with the argument with his son, fresh in his mind. “And they will demand international things like I-Pad and I-Phones and so on.” His voice has risen noticeably by the time he finished his sentence.
“They don’t have to confine their demands to Onderneeming,” noted Samad. “Like the Linden people, maybe they could bring in some demands from the rest of Essequibo.”
“Uh Huh!” agreed Cappo. “Like when dem gon get deh wharf at Adventure? Up to now, dah a bing wan big adventure!!” Everybody chuckled and Satiricus interjected.
“Look what the world coming to! When I was a small boy, my mother used to threaten me when I play bad – “Ag gon send yuh to Onderneeming!”
“Now all dem smart pickney gon want fuh go to Ondeneeming,” predicted Cappo. “Just like how anybody who want fuh live free gon move to Linden!”

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